"Wa’d El Ghad" or The Future Promise A study on Ghassan Kanafani Literature

In spite of the passage of over 15 years to the death of Ghassan Kanafani, his literary work is still having an interest in a good number of writers, critics and researchers. His work is one of the sources in contemporary Palestinian literature. In this book, Dr. Faiha Abdulhadi tries with a specialised study to present a deep and thorough analysis of Ghassan Kanafani experience and work, benefiting from the unlimited means of the practical methodological analysis. There is a demanding need to have studies related to the Palestinian literature in general, and the topics related to Ghassan Kanafani in particular. Topics such as, theatre, critical review articles, novels and short stories that are not yet published and ought to be published shortly by the memorial committee of Ghassan Kanafani. We are therefore proud to present to the reader this study, hoping that it made its role in unveiling the creative work of Gkassan Kanafani.

Study on Ghassan Kanafani’s literary works. Amman: Dar Al-Karmel, 1987